Merry Moonray's Mystical Wizard Merlin

Blue merle uros
Synt. 27.2.2018
Silmät: CRD/CRD
Lonkat: A/A
Kyynärät: 0/0
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ROP-baby BIS-4 baby
Merry Moonray's -pentue (0+1)
Mandanina's -pentue (3+3)
Merry Moonray's -pentue (0+1)
Lubin's -pentue, sileäkarvainen (4+3)
Say Wuf -pentue (3+2)
Espoo, collieiden erikoisnäyttely 8.9.2018 tuomari Valerie Geddes (kennel Ingledene)
"Very promising merle, well-balanced head, with good eyes and good ears, muzzle and scull has good fill, very good neck and topline, excellent angulation and good substance, moves free and true, tail slightly high, very promising" PEK2 KP